Finding Freedom Ministries
Training Believers to Break Ungodly Oppression
Frank and Kristy Wentz were called into ministry in 2020 when confronted with the demonic oppression of a family member. When they could not find a church in their area to help break this, they began to pray asking for Gods help and direction. With faith, prayer, and research they confronted the evil and through the power of Christ, they were able to break the oppression. They soon found themselves helping break oppression off other family members, then friends, and then friends of friends. After hundreds of deliverances, they knew their calling was not only to help deliver people, but to also train others to help set people free through Christ. Finding Freedom was created to provide Christ centered deliverance to Christians dealing with oppression and to train individuals and churches in deliverance.
Luke 10:19 Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you.